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Koivurannan saunalautta | 6 Times Sauna Shift

Koivurannan saunalautta | 6 Times Sauna Shift

Koivuranta’s Saunalautta is an adventure and experience. Imagine the slowly changing landscape, the picturesque Oulu River, the warmth of the sauna and the freshness of the water. Eat and drink well, Relax and enjoy the company of friends.

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Koivuranta Sauna Raft is an adventure and experience. Imagine the picturesque Oulujoki River, the warmth of the wooden sauna, and the freshness of the water (or the invigorating effect of a dip in the ice hole). It removes stress and the everyday rush in an instant.

The duration of the reservation, or sauna time, is 1.5 hours. (Shifts are limited to start every 45 minutes). Sauna shift codes are valid for 12 months from the redemption date. The gift entitles you to six (6) visits.

For more information, location, and reservations, visit: