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Kalevala | Kuutar pendant, silver

Kalevala | Kuutar pendant, silver

Kalevala Koru brings the wonderful jewelry treasure trove of the Viking Age from the 800s to the 1050s within the reach of today’s people. The Vikings went east on their trade journey to the coast of Finland and exchanged for furs, e.g. weapons and jewelry. Inspired by these pieces of jewelry from different parts of the world, Finnish jewelers made new pieces of jewelry, which unexpectedly took on a distinctly original, Finnish shape. The jewelry created then has in turn inspired later jewelers to design jewelry that is clearly Viking in spirit. Germund Paaer, the creator of Kuuttare, designed many beautiful Viking themed jewelry.

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Kalevala Koru brings the wonderful jewelry treasure trove of the Viking Age from the 800s to the 1050s within the reach of today’s people. The Vikings went east on their trade journey to the coast of Finland and exchanged for furs, e.g. weapons and jewelry. Inspired by these pieces of jewelry from different parts of the world, Finnish jewelers made new pieces of jewelry, which unexpectedly took on a distinctly original, Finnish shape. The jewelry created then has in turn inspired later jewelers to design jewelry that is clearly Viking in spirit. Germund Paaer, the creator of Kuuttare, designed many beautiful Viking themed jewelry.

Design: Germund Paaer
Length: 55-60 cm (adjustable)
Weight: 11 g
Height: 48 mm
Material: silver