Paingone | Plus Tens
Using a Paingone Plus pile is easy. The end of the device is directly targeted at the pain point or acupuncture point. When the power button is pressed down, the device automatically gives the body a consecutive electrical impulses. When the pain is wide, the treatment is good to target the acupuncture points. The device can be moved during treatment. The replaceable battery guarantees a long life! Paingone Plus operates with low frequency electrical charging produced by the crystal glasses (Pietso -electric crystal), enabling a long -term and clinically proven pain relief. Paingone Plus sends electrical impulses that activate nerve pathways. Due to the effect of treatment, the brain produces the body’s own pain relief hormones passing through the spinal cord, which eliminates the pain of pain. Use items such as plantar fasciitis, ie bone spike, elbow pain, knee pain, tension Neck (shoulder stalk), tennis elbow, knee pain -Paras the result is achieved in regular use -The recommended use: 30 seconds to one treatment point 4-5 times a day -We be used several times a day -We be used through clothes -No gels or wires -Ce-marked medical device -Ing size: 149 mm x 40 mm -I Contents of the product package: Paingone Plus, 1 x AAA finger battery, storage box, Finnish manual -Guarantee 12 months Contents of the Sales Package: -Paingone plus -1 x AAA finger battery storage box -Finnish instruction manual Contraindications: -Cander or cardiac arrhythmia -Epilepsy -Tens-therapy used to experience skin irritation, itching, redness or other symptoms -pregnancy (less than 16 weeks) -The blood anteced -Steroids -Do use the car while driving -Do use near gas or explosive liquids or in an oxygenal environment -Do use a skin with ointment, oil or other delicate or alcohol -containing products. Preventive measures: -Red instructions before using the device -Auten the instructions in the storage -Mail the product out of reach of children -The device has not been tested in children under 10 years of age -The device should not be used on the carotid artery, larynx or throat muscles on the front and side of the neck or near the heart or eyes -Do use for damaged or irritated skin -Do use for wet or dirty skin -Do use metal implant -Do use if the plastic structure of the device is broken -Alter the device as instructed always -Click with your doctor if you are unsure of your device’s suitability for yourself
Using a Paingone Plus pile is easy. The end of the device is directly targeted at the pain point or acupuncture point. When the power button is pressed down, the device automatically gives the body a consecutive electrical impulses. When the pain is wide, the treatment is good to target the acupuncture points. The device can be moved during treatment. The replaceable battery guarantees a long life! Paingone Plus operates with low frequency electrical charging produced by the crystal glasses (Pietso -electric crystal), enabling a long -term and clinically proven pain relief. Paingone Plus sends electrical impulses that activate nerve pathways. Due to the effect of treatment, the brain produces the body’s own pain relief hormones passing through the spinal cord, which eliminates the pain of pain. Use items such as plantar fasciitis, ie bone spike, elbow pain, knee pain, tension Neck (shoulder stalk), tennis elbow, knee pain -Paras the result is achieved in regular use -The recommended use: 30 seconds to one treatment point 4-5 times a day -We be used several times a day -We be used through clothes -No gels or wires -Ce-marked medical device -Ing size: 149 mm x 40 mm -I Contents of the product package: Paingone Plus, 1 x AAA finger battery, storage box, Finnish manual -Guarantee 12 months Contents of the Sales Package: -Paingone plus -1 x AAA finger battery storage box -Finnish instruction manual Contraindications: -Cander or cardiac arrhythmia -Epilepsy -Tens-therapy used to experience skin irritation, itching, redness or other symptoms -pregnancy (less than 16 weeks) -The blood anteced -Steroids -Do use the car while driving -Do use near gas or explosive liquids or in an oxygenal environment -Do use a skin with ointment, oil or other delicate or alcohol -containing products. Preventive measures: -Red instructions before using the device -Auten the instructions in the storage -Mail the product out of reach of children -The device has not been tested in children under 10 years of age -The device should not be used on the carotid artery, larynx or throat muscles on the front and side of the neck or near the heart or eyes -Do use for damaged or irritated skin -Do use for wet or dirty skin -Do use metal implant -Do use if the plastic structure of the device is broken -Alter the device as instructed always -Click with your doctor if you are unsure of your device’s suitability for yourself